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Tone deaf


In Matthew 15:11, Jesus said, “It is not what goes into the mouth that defiles a person, but what comes out of the mouth; this defiles a person.”

Since I got locked out of Facebook by a hacker, I’ve been spending more time on LinkedIn. There are questions that are posted that encourage several leaders to provide good answers. I’ve been asked to provide input based on my profile regarding several issues that leaders face in business.

Again, let’s visit Matthew 15:11. Jesus said, “It is not what goes into the mouth that defiles a person, but what comes out of the mouth; this defiles a person.”

Whenever I’ve written something, I’d like to think that my comments have been constructive. However, the more I respond, the colder blogs and paragraphs of text become. It is lacking what has been called “tone.”

Tone can be negative. Think of catty, snide comments. They carry "tone" that can incite a good argument. How many times has my wife asked, “What do you mean by that comment?” She’s looking behind the comment at motivation and intent.

Tone can convey emotions. Try saying, “Yes, I’m FINE!” with a coworker and watch them flinch.

What comes out of a person isn’t always just words. Jesus knew that we are complex communicators. We don’t always mean what we say! One look from my mother who mouthed, “No” always stopped me in my tracks.

Tone can be dishonest. Growing up I told my little brother more than once to give something a try. It was silky smooth coming out of my mouth, but it was trickery that often got him in trouble and me, too, being the instigator.

The issue of tone in management, leadership, and effective communications was not around when I was starting out. It was called packaging or sometimes spin. But tone has become the better descriptive term. Tone deaf is a problem. Leaders, especially in churches, must be aware of how they sound, not just the words they say. Afterall, it’s the full communication experience that comes out of a mouth that can defile us.

--Mark Snowden serves as director for the Cincinnati Area Baptist Association

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