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SBC Giving Options


Editor’s Note: Giving to CABA is separate from giving to the Cooperative Program and the SCBO.

Did you know that as an SCBO church, your church receives a monthly remittance form with choices to give and help advance the Kingdom of God? You can participate in the Cooperative Program, which fuels our mission boards, seminaries, and state convention. Also, there is an option to give to Ohio Only and keep your giving here in the Buckeye State. Also, The Ray Roberts state missions offering helps to fund disaster relief efforts and church planting, replanting, and revitalization efforts here in Ohio.

You can even pay your registration fees to an event or designate a gift under the “other” category. There is now an option to give online if that is more convention for you at While there are many avenues to give, most churches still give to and through the Cooperative Program to not only stay in friendly cooperation, but to help advance the mission and train the next generation. This is not the time to lean out, but to lean in. I am grateful that more SCBO churches gave to the CP in 2022 than in 2021. Why? Because we truly are better together, stronger together and therefore, must cooperate together.

--Dr. Jeremy Westbrook is the executive director/treasurer for the State Convention of Baptists in Ohio (SCBO).

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