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Evangelism actions a church can take


At a local church's Mission Conference, a friend wanted me to list all the ways that a church can evangelize. I believe it would be used in the future for missions training.

  1. Presentations—3 circles, NPL, Training for Trainers, Share Jesus without Fear – those that are incidental and intentional—in your circles of influence or beyond your comfort zone (missions)

  2. Tools: Bible, NTs, booklets, tracts, videos, streaming and apps

  3. Orality—Bible studies, knowing Bible characters, Creation to the Cross (C2C tracts)

  4. Testimonies—like a football (before Christ short, after Christ short, and the laces represent the steps to Jesus), 15 sec testimony,

  5. Cross cultural—worldview gaps and bridges, deaf, diaspora; guilt/innocence; power/fear; or honor/shame cultures

  6. Spiritual warfare – prayer support that is intentional and ongoing; understanding

  7. Events—using “tellers” and follow-up ranging from church service to crusade to block party

  8. Follow-up, reproducibility – can a new believer immediately lead another they know to Christ?

Let me add that I believe that all missionaries evangelize, but not all evangelizers are missionaries. Evangelism is to people who are like us. Missions requires crossing a boundary like language, distance, or culture to effectively communicate the Gospel.

In missions, I think disciple-making requires more cultural understanding than just conveying the path of salvation in Jesus.

--Mark Snowden, director, Cincinnati Area Baptist Association

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