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Director's Report: State of the Association

God has been moving in our midst over the past six months! These praise reports measure four areas of our strategy’s effectiveness.

A. Elevated Strengths – churches growing through evangelism, developing leaders, disciple-making, etc.

1. Two new consultants were trained and are now available to church leaders. Together we have interviewed some 40 pastors. Consultants are Brent Wilson, Fellowship Baptist and Mark Wilson, North Fairfield Baptist. These consultants and I help leaders focus on at least one hurdle that would advance the work of that church to the glory of God.

2. Seven pastors and I were trained and licensed as Transitional Revitalization Pastor (TRP) through a partnership with the State Baptist Convention of Ohio, the Greater Dayton Baptist Association, and Rob Peterson’s group Corpus. The new TRPs are Sam Greene, Bill Hounshell, Martin Jones, Rob Nessler, Ron Renner, Doug Sibcy, and Dave Warren. Notice the word “revitalization.” During a pastor change, a church is more open to revitalization.

3. The Block Party Trailer Ministry added the Grill Trailer. Don’t miss Diane Sibcy’s report!

4. Josh and Sarah Jo Wright participated in a DR Cleanup Team after a massive train derailment in East Palestine. The Wrights are members of University Baptist.

5. CABA’s emphasis this year is on adopting church planters in the Cincinnati Area. Several churches are now connected with “their” planter to pray, help evangelize, and provide other forms of support for their new works.

6. John Park began as CABA’s first Communications Director working behind the scenes for a new web presence and improved communications with pastors and church leaders.

7. Biblical Counseling is underway with three paid staff or their family members.

B. Collaborative Engagement – churches led to help other churches

1. The ALT launched two study teams:

a. Credentialing Committee chaired by Glenn Larue, University Baptist

b. College Ministry chaired by Greg Burch, Lakota Hills Baptist

2. Coaching was conducted for two church Pastor Search Committees to help them develop profiles on their community, their church, and new pastor.

3. Consultation was provided to two new churches exploring affiliation with CABA and also consultation was provided to a Hispanic church, which ended up in northern Kentucky.

C. Reproducing Leaders – churches becoming intentional

1. The ALT provided two important resources for pastors and church leaders. Deadline is today, March 27!

a. The Baptist Paper – a bi-weekly newspaper available in print to your door or via email to your inbox.

b. Mission Journey: Kids Leader Guide (Grades 1-6) and Resource Kit from the WMU to every church that wants a subscription for one year.

2. Ray Taw has begun his work as International Partnership Coordinator. He participated in a group of 12 who traveled to the IMB’s home office and International Learning Center to receive a briefing.

D. Generational Disciple-making – churches multiplying themselves as disciples

1. CABA is now reimbursing new church planters the $99.00 state registration fee as a way to welcome new plants to align with this Baptist association.

2. One church was connected with a trainer in another state to facilitate work their church members’ work among immigrants.

Let me close with a word of appreciation to the outpouring of love and support during my Dad’s death. He prayed for me and for CABA every day that I have been your AMS.

--Mark Snowden is the Director of the Cincinnati Area Baptist Association

This report is excerpted from the Semi-Annual Book of Reports, March 27th, 2023

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