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Creating a Missions Culture

No current IMB personnel have been sent by a CABA church. A few years ago I conducted a study among newly-commissioned IMB missionaries and learned that there were several key points that God used to mobilize them for missions: · Attended a children’s missionary training program, primarily the WMU’s Royal Ambassadors or Girls in Action. · Participated in an overseas missions project. Most were returning to serve where they visited and worked. · Took a missions class while in seminary even if they weren’t getting a missions degree. · Stayed abreast of international news, especially in times of human need. · At least half said God had used a pastor’s sermon on Isaiah 6 (Send me!) as the trigger. CABA has taken three steps toward mobilizing international missionaries: 1. Brought on Dr. Ray Taw as CABA’s International Partnership Coordinator to facilitate overseas missions involvement anywhere in the world. Ray has 30+ years with the IMB. I’m planning to lead a mission team to South Asia with volunteers from two CABA churches. 2. Provided a year’s free subscription to Missions Journey Kids Leader Guide and Activity Kit. ($68 value) All you have to do is order it from the WMU. Let us help you order by March 27. 3. Offered a free year’s subscription to the new The Baptist Paper which comes out twice every month. It is offered as digital via email or mailed in newspaper form to your home. ($16.75 value we are getting for $10.) Let us help you subscribe. Deadline: April 15, 2023. No one of these methods will manipulate a person to serve as a career missionary. However, I fully believe God is calling more to missions than are responding. --Mark Snowden directs the Cincinnati Area Baptist Association


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