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Generations of Followers


Generational Disciple-making may be a new idea for some. When you make a follower of Jesus, can they turn around and do the same thing with others?

The Apostle Paul trained Timothy who was supposed to “entrust to reliable men who could teach others also” (2 Tim. 2:2). That’s four “generations.” In this case, we’re not talking age, but believers. When you meet someone that is a believer, do you want to know if they’re making disciples, too?

In the Cincinnati Area, we have 1.5 million people who are not evangelical Christians. About one million people are not affiliated with any religious organization.

When the SBC Annual Meeting was in Indianapolis, a friend named Lawrence helped a man sitting beside a sidewalk to come to faith in Christ. Immediately, he wanted to know if he could share the Good News with his sister. It turned out that she was a prostitute in the apartment behind them. The new convert said, “My sister will want all the girls like her to know Jesus!” Now, that’s disciple-making! We have such good news to share!

This summer while doing DR work in Eastern Ky., I led a teenager named Logan to faith in Christ. He happened to go my brother’s church. When I followed up, I found out that he broke up with his girlfriend and quit coming to that church. They lost track of him. While it’s admirable that the young man accepted Christ, his experience might have become a dead-end. It is my prayer that not only is he growing in Christ “somewhere,” but that he’s sharing his newfound faith with others in his circle of influence. I learned a lesson!

The theme of our Pastor’s Conference on March 27 is Generational Disciple-making. Make disciple-making a priority so that multiple generations hear and follow Jesus.

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