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40 Ways to Live Like a Missionary, part 1 of 2


By the time this airs, your New Year’s resolutions have probably fizzled. So, just maybe you would be open to new resolutions that could be used of the Lord to change your world and those who live around you! This blog will continue next week, but just focus on 20 of the 40 ways to live like a missionary.

1.      Abide with Jesus in daily devotions; go deep in the Word and in Prayer

2.     Learn to live like a missionary by reading missionary biographies like Armstrong, Carey, Elliot, Judson, Moon, Taylor, etc.

3.     Teach missions to your children including biographies of Armstrong, Carey, Elliot, Judson, Moon, Taylor, etc.

4.     Share Christ daily; verbally and draw the net asking for repentance and belief.

5.     Limit spending in order to give more to missions

6.     Learn the Language of a UPG (Unreached People Group).

7.     Encourage your children to learn the language of a UPG.

8.     Pray for one missionary every day for one year.

9.     Pray for one UPG.

10.  Recruit two others to pray for a UPG.

11.   Fast and pray one day every month for a UPG.

12.  Contact a missionary agency, like the IMB, and ask to have a missionary contact you and pray for them for one year, then get a new one.

13.  Take your family on a planned spiritual retreat during one day off each year.

14.  Recruit two others to go with you on a volunteer mission trip to a specific least-reached people group.

15.  Encourage your church to engage a least-reached people who are near you and then make multiple trips overseas with teams as volunteers to where they live.

16.  Give away Bibles as a lifestyle.

17.  Give away Bibles of a UPG language that you buy and distribute.

18.  Include a missionary-sending agency like the IMB in your will.

19.  Get to know your neighbors; all of them.

20. Lead a small group Bible study with no more than 10-12 people.

Bonus: Develop an apprentice who can start a new Bible study every year out of your small group.

So, did the Lord convict you of ways to live like a missionary? Check back next week and we’ll finish the list. In the meantime, if I can help you get started, just give me a shout.

--Mark Snowden serves as director for the Cincinnati Area Baptist Association

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